For many
species, habitat
protection alone
is not enough

Wildlife Preservation Canada

Canada’s last defence
for endangered

For dozens of Canadian species at risk, habitat protection alone is not enough. Wildlife Preservation Canada’s mission is to save animal species at risk from extinction in Canada by providing direct, hands-on care.

We are the only organization in Canada to provide this critical need for multiple species in multiple recovery efforts across the country. We specialize in science-based techniques such as conservation breeding and release, reintroduction and translocation. Our Action Plan is based on the urgency of the need and is updated annually.

September 1 – 30

Double your impact

From September 1 – 30, every dollar donated will be matched!

For 40 years, our supporters have been the last line of defence for the rarest of Canada’s rare species. Bringing swift foxes back to Canada through ground-breaking translocation techniques. Pioneering treatments for a disease that is decimating frogs around the world. Breeding the pollinators we all depend on, thanks to breakthroughs at our one-of-a-kind bumble bee conservation lab. The list goes on.

Will you help train more conservation heroes to save them?

WPC Articles

What’s the latest?

Stephanie Winton, the Canadian Species Initiative Coordinator gives a travelogue presentation on her experience working on reptile conservation projects in Mauritius as the 31st Canada’s New Noah.

Spectacular Species

Focal species

Blue Racer

Blue Racer

Coluber constrictor foxii

Our Goal: a thriving population on Pelee Island

Bumble Bees

Bumble Bees

Bombus sp.

Our 2023 Goal: 60 bumble bee colonies established

Butler’s Gartersnake

Butler’s Gartersnake

Thamnophis butleri

Our 2023 Goal: 30 snakes successfully overwintered

Eastern Loggerhead Shrike

Eastern Loggerhead Shrike

Lanius ludovicianus migrans

Our 2023 Goal: 50 shrikes released into the wild

Massasauga Rattlesnake


Sistrurus catenatus

Our 2023 Goal: 24 snakes successfully overwintered

Mottled Duskywing

Mottled Duskywing

Erynnis martialis

Our Goal: a re-established population in Ontario

Oregon Spotted Frog

Oregon Spotted

Rana pretiosa

Our 2023 Goal: 5,000 frogs released in the wild

Taylor’s Checkerspot


Euphydryas editha taylori

Our 2023 Goal: 1,500 caterpillars released in the wild

Western Painted Turtle

Western Painted

Chrysemys picta bellii

Our 2023 Goal: 160 turtles released in the wild

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Wildlife Preservation Canada

WPC supporters make our work possible.


Thank you for all you do. With the many stressors that wildlife are continuing to face – whether climate change, loss of habitat, human encroachment, avian flu, and other issues- Wildlife Preservation Canada is needed now more than ever. Thank you for your wonderful and important work! – Marsha, Individual Donor


I heard about WPC through some online communications and when I looked further I saw that you ranked mammals last in your drop down menu. I appreciate that WPC is prioritizing care for all of the other wonderful classes in the animal kingdom. I am hoping that much of what I gave makes it to our non-mammalian friends who need it the most! – Private donor, Ontario


Thank you for caring about the small, often overlooked species. – Private Donor