Community Science for Massasuaga Workshop Part 1: Introduction and Community Science Overview

Presented on March 30, 2023

The Community Science and Outreach Working Group of the Canadian Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Recovery Implementation Group hosted a Community Science for Massasaugas Workshop on March 30, 2023. This video includes the introduction to the workshop and two presentations giving an overview of community science from James Baxter-Gilbert and Hannah McCurdy-Adams.

 James spoke about the value of integrating a community science approach to conducting herpetological projects, including how it can: (1) be seen as a progressive extension of citizen science methods, (2) benefit our research, (3) foster the public’s connections to science, and (4) bolster long-term conservation success. He shared stories from projects he has had the good fortune to have taken part in and learned from, as well as insights in how we can continue to strive to improve. Hannah discussed examples of activities that could involve community science and some details to consider when leading, starting, or deciding to participate in a community science project.