Since 2010, WPC has been breeding and reintroducing thousands of Oregon spotted tadpoles and froglets back into wetlands in B.C.’s Fraser Valley. It takes years of careful observation, collaboration, ingenuity and sometimes a little luck to crack the code to breeding specific species. For several years, our progress was very limited. But our team persevered. Today, WPC has pioneered breeding techniques that are turning the tide for this species.
We have some exciting news! We have names for our Oregon spotted frog couple.
Meet Lily and Hopper!
Documenting each step of our Oregon spotted frog breeding journey, we want to take you on a trip from amplexus to tadpoles to show you the impact one frog couple can have. We took final weights and measures at the beginning of March before the breeding began, and then we started to witness amplexus, also known as the breeding hug! This is when males grab onto the backs of the females to prepare for the release of eggs.
Sometimes males will grab onto other males, our fingers, sticks, or even fish in their cold semi-aware state. The males that are amplexed by other males will let out a cry that signals “I’m a boy!” – hoping the other male will let go. Their grip is strong and it can take a lot of effort to separate them, firmly but gently.
While we were determining names for our froggy couple, they produced their egg mass!
This egg mass (pictured below) is the only egg mass they will produce this year and hopefully they are viable embryos. Then, in a few weeks we could see tadpoles swimming around, which will then grow up into froglets.
Thank you to everyone who participated in our naming contest, and for caring about these endangered frogs! We had over 100 votes come in and 54% of you voted for Lily and Hopper.
We can’t wait to share more behind the scenes photos and videos, and keep you up to date on Lily and Hopper’s journey this season. Check back for more updates throughout the breeding season.
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