Adventures in Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly Surveys
Native Pollinator Initiative, News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Taylor's CheckerspotSlithering towards success
News and Events, Ojibway Prairie Reptile Recovery Pollinators Butler's Gartersnake, Massasauga RattlesnakeBreeding native bumble bees in the lab
Bumble Bee Recovery, Native Pollinator Initiative, News and Events Pollinators Bumble BeesBuzzworthy pursuits: Finding rare and at-risk bumble bee species in Ontario.
Bumble Bee Recovery, Native Pollinator Initiative, News and Events Pollinators Bumble Bees
What is the difference between butterflies and moths?
Native Pollinator Initiative Native Pollinator Initiative, PollinatorsWhat is the difference between bees, flies and wasps?
Citizen Science, Native Pollinator Initiative Native Pollinator Initiative, PollinatorsA decade of bumble bee surveys: Part 1 – Who, when, where, how?
Citizen Science Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesSaving native bumbles – in the field and in the lab
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesSecond generation of duskywing butterflies anticipated!
News and Events Pollinators Mottled Duskywing ButterflyWhat is the best part of being a Bumble Biologist?
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesStumped: Why do bumble bees need forests?
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesWhen you think of bumble bees, where do you imagine them? Buzzing around flowers, of course! Most of us are used to seeing bumble bees in our gardens, at the park, or meadows, but these aren’t the only places you can find bumble bees.
Early emerging bumble bee species to look out for this spring
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesTop five highlights of the bumble bee season
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesBeyond workers: mating and overwintering bumble bees
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesBumble bee field work: when a generalist meets a specialist
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesHow are the bumble bees doing in southern Ontario?
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesNosing out nests – can detection dogs be used to find bumble bee nests?
News and Events Pollinators Bumble BeesThe joy of spotting checkerspots & other butterflies
News and Events Pollinators Taylor's CheckerspotYou don’t always find the bees that you’re looking for
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesHelliwell Provincial Park – native habitat for endangered butterflies
News and Events Pollinators Taylor's CheckerspotWhat are the differences between honey bees and bumble bees?
Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Bumble BeesGoing Lawnless for Native Pollinators
Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Species at Risk
Colette Kenny recently joined WPC’s Bumble Bee Watch Community Science Program as a volunteer. She is writing today as a guest blogger about her efforts to support native pollinators on her half-acre homestead, located northeast of Kingston,…
Sweating (and appreciating) the small stuff
Fraser Valley Wetlands Wildlife Pollinators Taylor's CheckerspotOne Way or another! A search for Ontario’s bumble bees
Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Yellow Banded BumblebeeContributing to Community Science: One Volunteer’s Experience in Bumble Bee Conservation
News and Events Native Pollinator Initiative, Pollinators Rusty Patched Bumblebee
Depending on where you live in Canada, the snow may already be melting, revealing early signs of spring. If you’re an avid gardener, you might already be thinking about what plants you want to add to your property this year. While it’s…
Bumble Bee Surveys in a New Light
Pollinators Yellow Banded Bumblebee
For three years now, Tiffani has been invaluable in our effort to survey bumble bees in as many sites as possible across Ontario. These surveys are conducted in a narrow spring window when bumble bee queens are still emerging from hibernation…