Canada’s New Noah

Since 1988, the Canada’s New Noah program has given young biologists in Canada the opportunity of a lifetime. Each year, Wildlife Preservation Canada selects a post-secondary graduate from dozens of applicants across Canada for the single, coveted position on the tropical island of Mauritius in the western Indian Ocean.

The full experience includes travel, living, and training for the New Noah to participate in the Durrell Endangered Species Management Graduate Certificate (DESMAN) consisting of 12 weeks of intensive theory, at the Durrell Conservation Academy on the island of Jersey in the U.K. This is followed by 6 months of practical experience with species and habitat recovery teams saving species on the island of Mauritius and its offshore islands.




Graduates receive the Durrell Endangered Species Management Graduate Certificate (DESMAN). The full scholarship covers travel, living and training expenses. The program is supported by the Alan and Patricia Koval Foundation.

The program fills an educational gap in this country, providing practical training and field experience in managing wildlife conservation projects and conserving endangered species. The program equips participants with the multi-disciplinary skills required to run their own species recovery programs.

Program Objectives

  • To train young Canadian biologists in the techniques required to breed endangered species in controlled environments, reintroduce them into the wild and manage wild populations
  • To give young Canadian biologists practical field experience with in situ conservation projects that complement their academic training
  • To create a network of skilled Canadian conservation biologists who focus on endangered and threatened species
  • To increase public awareness in Canada about endangered species and the progress being made to save them from extinction

What Participants Say

One of the most memorable years in my career to date as an endangered species conservation biologist.

– Natasha Lloyd, 2006 New Noah

Conservation Research Senior Specialist at the Calgary Zoological Society’s Centre for Conservation Research

One of the most significant and influential experiences of my conservation career.

– Myles Lamont, 2013 New Noah

Wildlife Technician, Government of Nunavut, and Principal of TerraFauna Wildlife Consulting

A pivotal point in my career … shaped me not only as a professional,
but as a person.

– Dave Stepnisky, 1998 New Noah

Senior Manager with the Fish and Wildlife Habitat Section for Alberta Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development


Wheler, C.L., and Fa, J.E.  1995.  Enclosure utilization and activity of Round Island geckos (Phelsuma guentheri).  Zoo Biology 14: 361-369.

Williams, E.R. 1995.  Wildlife Preservation Trust Canada:  establishment, conservation programmes and Canada’s New Noah programme.  Dodo, J. Wildl. Preserv. Trusts 31: 13-19.

Bednarczuk, E., C. J. Feare, S. Lovibond, V. Tatayah, and C. Jones.  2010.  Attempted eradication of house sparrows Passer domesticus from Round Island (Mauritius), Indian Ocean.  Conservation Evidence 7: 75-86.

Imlay, T., R. Dale, S. Buckland, C. Jones, and N. Cole.  2012.  A novel approach to counting geckos:  Phelsuma density in Mauritius forests.  Herpetological Review 43 (3): 391-396.

Lamont, M. M.  2016.  Territorial and courtship displays of Mauritius Cuckooshrike Lalage typicalBulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 136 (2): 147-149.

Moldowan, P. D., J. A. Copsey, N. Zuël, V. Tatayah, and N. Cole.  2016.  Sticks and stones:  notes on the ecology and conservation of an endemic stick insect (Apterograeffea marshallae) and the restoration of an island ecosystem.  Phelsuma 24: 72-79.