Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle

Hungerford’s Crawling Water Beetle

Hungerford’s crawling water beetle is only found in three rivers in Ontario’s Bruce County and five rivers in northern Michigan. Small changes to their aquatic homes could have big impacts on this globally rare insect.
Karner Blue Butterfly on branch

Karner Blue Butterfly

The karner blue depends upon wild lupine, where it lays its eggs. The Karner blue’s 25-millimetre wingspan isn’t the only reason these tiny butterflies are hard to spot. As of 1993, the Karner blue has disappeared from Canada.
Mottled Duskywing on flower

Mottled Duskywing

The plants that mottled duskywings feed on require dry sandy areas or limestone alvars found in very few places in eastern Canada. Unfortunately, these sensitive areas are also prime sites for human development.
prairie butterfly on yellow flower

Prairie Butterflies

Since the 1850s, over 99 per cent of North America’s native prairies have been lost to agriculture and overgrazing, putting the survival of many prairie species, including several butterflies, in serious jeopardy.
Bumble bee on flower

Rusty-Patched Bumble Bee

One of the most common species of bumble bee in southern Ontario as recently as the 1980s, this hard-working pollinator is now on the brink of extinction throughout its large range. It has not been observed in Canada since 2009.
Taylor's Checkerspot

Taylor’s Checkerspot

As native grasslands are lost, the survival of the Taylor’s checkerspot butterfly hangs in the balance. Because of its sensitivity to changes in its habitat, it is considered an environmental indicator for the health of the entire ecosystem.
Yellow-Banded Bumble Bee

Yellow-Banded Bumble Bee

Because they use nectar and pollen as their source of fuel, protein and nutrients, yellow-banded bumble bees love habitats that offer plenty of flowers. This can include meadows, grasslands, wetlands, forests and farms.