We work to protect the massasauga rattlesnake from further impact by taking conservation actions that focus on monitoring, assessing and analyzing population recovery, as well as supporting our partners recovery efforts.
In Canada, massasauga rattlesnakes are limited to the Georgian Bay shoreline and only two isolated habitats in Ontario’s Carolinian Zone: the Ojibway Prairie Complex near Windsor and the Wainfleet Bog near Welland. However, there have been no sightings at Ojibway Prairie since 2019. We’re working to reverse that.
In 2021, WPC was asked to lead the creation of a provincial recovery implementation team for the massasauga. The techniques we’ve been developing for massasauga rattlesnakes are also helping another endangered species on the Ojibway Prairie: Butler’s gartersnake. These reptiles face many threats in their small Ontario range such as urbanization resulting in habitat loss and fragmentation, roads separate populations from one another and increase the risk of vehicle strikes and people kill them or illegally collect them as pets.
We work to protect the massasauga rattlesnake from further impact by taking conservation actions that focus on monitoring, assessing and analyzing population recovery, as well as supporting our partners recovery efforts.
In 2023 we plan to have:
We work to protect the Butler’s gartersnake from threat by supplementing wild populations and perfecting conservation techniques.
In 2023 we plan to have:
We need your help