DENMAN ISLAND, BC: The Purple Martin Preservation Project team (a committee within Denman Island Residents Association) is planning to sponsor a series of talks on various wildlife conservation efforts ongoing in British Columbia, called “Wildlife Wednesday“.

The pilot program, invites speakers to Denman Island once a month from January through April. The talks will be held at the Back Hall at 7:30 pm. If there is sufficient interest, the team will consider expanding the series moving forward!

The current lineup of speakers for this winter is as follows:

  • January 22: Peter Karsten, Naturalist & former Executive Director of the Calgary Zoo – Establishment of a captive breeding program of the Taylor’s Checkerspot butterfly in 2012 on Denman Island; the first in Canada.A video presentation that was supported by Wildlife Preservation Canada (WPC).
  • February 26: Andrea Gielens, Lead Biologist for WPC’s B.C. Programs – Wildlife Preservation Canada’s conservation programs for the recovery of Western Painted Turtles, Oregon Spotted Frogs and Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterflies.
  • March 26: David Hancock, founder of the Hancock Wildlife Foundation – Bald Eagle conservation through management and monitoring of man-made nests.
  • April 23: Martin McAdie, DVM & Manager of the Marmot Recovery Program, Breeding Facility and Foundation at Mount Washington BC. Preservation strategies of the Vancouver Island marmot in the wild.

Please stay tuned for updates as the events draw nearer.

– The Purple Martin Preservation Project team (Executive team members: P. Karsten, C. Rea, J. Scruton, V. Hammell, B. Jones, D. Heyland plus many dedicated volunteers)

To support The Purple Martin Preservation Project and the beautiful songbird, please donate by clicking the button below. Donations can be dedicated by selecting ‘Purple Martin’ under the Funds dropdown on the donation form.